Marine Training
Perth Simulations immersive simulated environments allow for realistic and repeatable testing across a range of situations. The centre offers industry rapid testing and verification of operations, in a safe and repeatable environment.
Dynamic Positioning
Nautical Institute Accredited Courses
Dynamic Positioning Induction
This course provides participants with basic knowledge of Dynamic Positioning (DP), the principles and practical use of DP systems.
Dynamic Positioning Simulator (Advanced)
This course provides personnel engaged in the Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) training scheme with further insight, experience, and confidence in performing offshore operations under Dynamic Positioning (DP) control.
Dynamic Positioning Revalidation
For participants, who hold a recognized Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) Certificate issued by The Nautical Institute (NI), but do not have the required 150 days DP Sea time to revalidate through the conventional route.
Dynamic Positioning Refresher + Competence Assessment
For participants, who hold a recognized Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) Certificate issued by The Nautical Institute (NI) and required to refresh their knowledge about DP or need to completed high DP simulator because they are on DP 24/7.
Enhanced Azipull Manoeuvring
This course provides participants with basic knowledge of Rolls Royce Icon Dynamic Positioning (DP) equipment and to provide an insight into the principles and practice of operating Azipull propulsion units.
Dynamic Positioning Verification of Competency
The rationale of this assessment process is to enable participants to be assessed against an internationally recognized standard. This will achieve the twin aim of proving the generic competence of the Dynamic Positioning (DP) team and provide the client with confidence that risk has been mitigated.
International Marine Contractors Association
Dynamic Positioning Familiarisation / Awareness
The course is designed to provide an insight into Dynamic Positioning (DP). It outlines DP system components and the capabilities of DP equipped vessels. Course participants will become aware of the DP system’s individual elements and their practical use, as well as the effects of system failures and the concept of redundancy. The course follows the structure outlined in IMCA M 117 Rev.2.
Dynamic Positioning Maintenance for Engineers/Kpos & Icon
Participants completing this course will gain the IMCA prerequisite theoretical knowledge and some practical skills experience to support the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of either a Marine Engineer or Electro technical officer on a Dynamic Positioning (DP) vessel.
Offshore Crane Courses
Offshore Crane Operator
The Stage 1 Offshore Crane Operator course aims to give participants with minimal or no experience the fundamentals to work with and or around offshore cranes in a safe and efficient manner.
Offshore Crane Operator
The Stage 2 Offshore Crane Operator course aims to give participants the knowledge required to operate an offshore crane in a safe and efficient manner. This is achieved using a bank of scenarios on the offshore crane simulator and by demonstration from experienced offshore crane operators.
Offshore Crane Operator
The Stage 3 Offshore Crane Operator Assessment is an internationally recognised and accepted assessment strategy for offshore crane operators. Candidates will be required to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and practical skills to successfully complete the assessment process and be deemed competent to work safely and effectively unsupervised.
Offshore Crane Refresher
The Offshore Crane Refresher is used to assess the continued competence of offshore crane operators. Crane operators will be made aware and informed of the latest developments in industry, including reviewing actual incidents to enhance awareness and the effectiveness of risk assessment, task planning and management of change.
Offshore Crane Operator
The Stage 2 Offshore Crane Operator Re-Assessment is used to assess the continued competence of offshore crane operators. BS 7121 Part 11: Offshore Cranes states that an operators competence should be re-assessed every 2 years and the Health and Safety Executive has acknowledged that practical simulation exercises play a part in complying with this standard.
Offshore Crane Operator
The Stage 3 Offshore Crane Operator Re-Assessment is used to assess the continued competence of offshore crane operators. BS 7121 Part 11: Offshore Cranes states that an operator’s competence should be re-assessed every 2 years and the Health and Safety Executive has acknowledged that practical simulation exercises play a part in complying with this standard.
Winch Operation
RR TOWCON RT AHT Winch Operation Training
To acquire an understanding of towing and anchor handling winch operations for winches up to 600 metric tons pulling capacity. The course is designed to meet the requirements of STCW 2010 Section B-V/e and GOMO
Other Marine Courses
Transas NS4000 ECDIS Type Specific
This course provides participants with familiarisation and understanding of the Transas NS4000 ECDIS system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to safely and efficiently use the Transas NS4000 ECDIS system as their primary means of navigation.
Furuno Telko (TECDIS) Type Specific
This course provides participants with familiarisation and understanding of the Furuno (Norway) Telko (TECDIS) system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to safely and efficiently use the TECDIS system as their primary means of navigation. Please note this is NOT the separate Furuno FMD 3200/330 type specific course.
Vessel Manoeuvring
This course provides the underpinning manoeuvring and ship handling knowledge and skills for Deck Officers on board offshore support vessels. The course prepares deck officers for on board training to meet the training requirements of STCW 2010 Section B/V (e).
Offshore Safety – Deck
This course is designed to provide training for prospective and existing Deck Officers responsible for watchkeeping on board Offshore Support Vessels (OSV), including Platform Supply Vessel, Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Diving Supply Vessel, Construction and Seismic Survey Vessel.
Offshore Safety – Engine
The course aims to introduce Engineer Officers to offshore vessel layout, equipment and operations. The course covers the variety of operations carried out on board offshore support vessels, including DP operations, cargo supply and anchor handling operations. The course emphasizes the need for good plant maintenance and watch keeping practices.
OSV Stability Loading
This course provides Deck Officers on board Offshore Support Vessel’s (OSV) practical use and understanding of the AUTOLOAD vessel loading computer.